Our Products

An embrace of Mediterranean flavours

Crossing the threshold of the La Colombaia Restaurant means immersing yourself in a warm embrace of Mediterranean flavours. The tantalising aromas of olive oil, grown with love under the scorching sun, will surround you like a precious cloak. The aromatic herbs, fresh and fragrant, rigorously sown and grown in the land of Capri and Campania, will release their intense aroma, evoking images of flowering fields and sunny Mediterranean scrub.

A hymn to the grass peas of Anacapri

A special ingredient reigns on the tables of La Colombaia: the native Anacapri grass pea. Its cultivation, passed down from generation to generation, represents a deep connection with the land and its traditions. Every year, the restaurant purchases a limited quantity, aware of the inestimable value of this unique legume.

A triumph of tomatoes

The bright red of the tomatoes – the symbolic fruit of the Mediterranean summer – will brighten up and colour the dishes throughout the season. Their sweet and juicy flavour will intertwine with the other ingredients, creating a harmony and balance of flavours that will impress guests of all nationalities.

A tribute to the land and its fruits

La Colombaia is not just a restaurant, it is a hymn to the land and its fruits. A place where the biodiversity and richness of the Mediterranean is celebrated. Each dish is a tribute to this magical land – a way to enhance its resources and traditions.


An "oasis" of haute cuisine