The Secrets of La Colombaia’s Pizza

La Pizza de’ La Colombaia, an offer that does not follow fashions, but creates experiences

Pizza has a magical power: it attracts, pleases and unites. At La Colombaia Restaurant at the Grand Hotel Quisisana in Capri, pizza is not just food, but an experience rooted in tradition and elevated by the excellence of the raw materials and the culinary art.

A pizza loved by all and hailed by international guests, who choose it as their main dish or as a delicious aperitif. This iconic dish is perfect for sharing, uniting people who feel the call of authentic and genuine flavours.

In a world where food trends change rapidly, La Colombaia stays true to its roots, offering a pizza that respects and celebrates the culinary tradition of Campania. Out of passing fads, the aim is to constantly guarantee a high quality product that guests will always appreciate.

Hundreds of pizzas are churned out daily, meeting the demands of about half of the guests during lunchtime. And in the evening, the menu offers more refined and sophisticated versions of this dish, making pizza a complete dining experience even at dinner.

The Chef’s Word

“Pizza,” explains the Quisisana’s chef, “is treated with the same dignity and value as the other dishes on our menu. It is one of the symbols of our region and in the evening menu we always propose a more refined pizza, with attention to detail.”

At La Colombaia restaurant, pizza is not just good for the taste, but for the attention we pay to the dough and ingredients. “We use only excellent products: from basil to oil, from parmesan to fiordilatte, to peeled tomatoes and oregano that comes from Sicily. Every detail is taken care of to maintain the fragrance and quality of the product’.

What distinguishes the La Colombaia restaurant at the Grand Hotel Quisisana from others? The answer lies in the care and refinement that is put into every aspect of the culinary offer, pizza included. The artisanal processing method and the selection of the best raw materials are what make the final product unique and inimitable.

Pizza at La Colombaia is not just a dish, it is an emotional journey through the flavours of tradition, a story of passion and quality without compromise.